2023 GCE N(A) and N(T) Level Result Release
The 2023 GCE N(A)- and N(T)-Level Examinations result release will begin punctually at 2.00pm on 18 December (Mon).
Candidates should arrive early at 1.30pm to allow time for grooming checks. Please be seated by 1.50pm at MPH Level 4.
Parents may observe the release of results in the MPH.
Please refer to the school handbook (pages 11-20) on guidelines for attire and grooming:
1. Full school uniform or PE t-shirt with school pants or skirts.
2. School shoes with SHSS socks.
3. Appropriate hairstyle and no coloured hair.
Inappropriate hairstyle and attire will cause delay in getting of results.
Candidates who are unwell should seek medical attention and not return to school to collect their results.