Sec 3 Outward Bound School
In order to equip our students with the required knowledge and skills to meet the demands of, and beyond, the secondary school education, the school has identified Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) as the core enrichment programme for the Sec 3 students. So, from 24 to 28 March, they experienced a customised 5-days Character and Leadership Development Programme at OBS-Pulau Ubin. The land and sea expeditions instilled in these Hildans a sense of responsibility, resilience, teamwork and leadership qualities. Besides the memorable experiences, many students uncovered and re-discovered their hidden qualities.
Sec 4 & 5 Grooming and Etiquette
During the learning beyond classroom week, the school organised a plethora of programmes to bring out the best in our graduating students for their next phase of life. They were exposed to practical modules such as portfolio and resume writing, interview skills, personal grooming and dining etiquette. In addition, they were given a glimpse of post-secondary opportunities via the education career guidance programmes and a careers exhibition fair. It was heart-warming to witness the growth of our seniors as they explored their future ambitions and goals. Go Forward Hildans!